Its more common than Thee BEEB would like to admit, because truly there is no reason for it.

Society as whole is a lot more conscious to the point every word spoken has to be thought out meticulously before ever being uttered but yet there are somethings that just haven't changed, the amount of policies and procedures, employment tribunal cases, endless stories on the workplace and yet society as whole are miserable at work.
What people are taking on and the pressures that we face as employees is almost unrealistic yet we shoulder responsibilities that leads to a deep unhappiness that we don't see ever changing.
The needs that we have, the responsibilities we carry almost sink us. We may feel like there is no alternative because we have responsibilities and the energy it takes to fight for justice in the workplace is the last thing we want to take on, a job is about collecting money for our time and leaving to get on with our lives the best we possibly can but here lies one of many issues, the amount of time spent in the workplace has a huge impact on us, the amount of time spent in a miserable, toxic environment is unhealthy.
Being in an unhealthy environment for a prolonged period of time will eventually take its toll not just emotionally but physically and mentally.
Thee BEEB was created for this very reason there is so much that can be done in terms of working with management to find solutions to common workplace toxic cultures because its a very real problem.
Unhappy workplace
Its more common than Thee BEEB would like to admit, because truly there is no reason for it.
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